漫步在圣保罗的黑人历史中. 路易



在圣路易斯市周围有许多历史遗迹可供参观. 路易斯帮助讲述过去的故事, 奋斗和成就让十大彩票网赌平台走到今天. 这个月是黑人历史月, find ways to honor the rich 文化 和 great achievements of African Americans in the Gateway City. Take a walk through history at these sites, events 和 attractions perfect for you 和 your family:

十大最大的网络彩票平台斯星光大道 位于德尔玛环路(Delmar Loop),纪念十大最大的网络彩票平台斯对美国文化做出了贡献. Visit the stars of notable African American figures such as Maya Angelou, 蒂娜·特纳, 查克贝瑞, 和酷爸爸贝尔. 所有的入选者要么出生在大圣. 或者在这里度过了他们的成长或创作岁月. It was designated as “One of the 10 Great Streets in America” by the American Planning Association.

不过要关闭几周进行维修, 访问网站和社交媒体渠道 国家蓝调博物馆 和 celebrate the Blues genre as the foundation of all modern American music. Learn about upcoming events 和 make plans to visit this spring where you will discover an entertaining environment that includes high impact technology driven experiences, 最先进的剧院, 以及由文物驱动的展览.

Scott Joplin was a famous pianist 和 composer who achieved fame for his ragtime compositions. 他被广泛称为“拉格泰姆之王”.” You can visit the house Joplin 和 his wife, Belle, lived in for some time. 的 斯科特·乔普林之家州立历史遗址 plays some of his famous melodies as you walk through the modest flat on Delmar Boulevard. It is furnished 和 lit by gaslight as if it were 1902 when Joplin spent time there composing some of his famous songs.

在公园里散步 密苏里植物园的乔治·华盛顿·卡弗花园. 的 inspirational garden honors the life 和 accomplishments of the famous scientist who greatly influenced 19th 和 20th-century agri文化 和 education. 的 focal point of the garden is a life-size bronze statue of Carver sculpted by Tina Allen. 的 garden is one 和 a half acres 和 features inspirational inscriptions from Carver’s writings 和 speeches, 一个反射池和景观与viburnums, 绣球花, 还有冬青树,给人一种亲密的感觉.

请查看 密苏里历史博物馆 这个月的黑人历史节目. 的ir newest addition of “看到 STL Walking 旅游” includes a walking tour of “的城镇” which is home to several Grammy Award winners, 摇滚名人堂成员, 肯尼迪中心的获奖者, 第一批黑人女性百万富翁之一, 三个大满贯冠军得主, 第一个黑人大学女生联谊会的创始人, 还有一位研究原子弹的化学家.

美国士兵在第二次世界大战中解放了欧洲, Black civilians fought for better opportunities 和 greater freedoms at home. 加入 军人纪念军事博物馆 2月18日上午11点th 讨论“向华盛顿进军”运动, 是战后民权运动的重要先驱, 大卫·卢坎德, 的作者 Winning the War for Democracy: 的 March on Washington Movement, 1941-1946. 博物馆和节目都是免费进入的.

St. 路易斯名人墙 is one of the many murals you can find along Manchester in 格罗夫购物中心. 的 mural located on the side of Gramophone pays homage to some of St. 路易最伟大的音乐家, 作家和演员,包括亨利·阿姆斯特朗, Maya Angelou, 查克贝瑞, 耐莉, 迈尔斯·戴维斯等. 如果是午餐或晚餐时间, consider grabbing a bite from any number of the restaurants located nearby.

请查看 St.路易斯县公共图书馆 website for the 2022 Black 历史 Celebration Still We Rise with Resilience 和 Brilliance, including a variety of online educational 和 inspirational events throughout February.  所有活动将以虚拟方式举行.

一起来吧 St. 路易斯交响乐团 和 IN UNISON Chorus to celebrate music of African American 和 African traditions, 以及他们对圣公会的影响. 路易斯和世界在2月25日 提升每一个声音 音乐会. This annual evening of reflective 和 soulful music is one to remember. Kevin McBeth conducts this concert 和 Capathia Jenkins is the vocal soloist.

乌木 飞机 这些杂志是黑人对生活方式的看法吗, 文化, 以及杂志业全盛时期的政治. 的 当代艺术博物馆街. 路易 hosts a community conversation about these two iconic publications for its free program RE: 乌木 飞机. 十大彩票网赌平台会问,是什么 乌木飞机 对你刻薄? 与此同时, 在主持讨论之前或之后, check out acclaimed artist Lorna Simpson's videos on CAM's street facade, 哪些特征图像来自古版本 乌木 飞机,用闪闪发光的水彩发型加强.

九PBS is proud to celebrate Black 历史 Month in February to commemorate important people 和 events, but programs that center on the Black experience appear year-round on 九PBS’s schedule. 分享十大最大的网络彩票平台斯社区是第九公共电视台最擅长的. Two programs about trailblazing Black citizens who are from the region are set to air in February including 用他们自己的话来说:查克·贝里 (二月一日)及 我与安妮·马龙的旅程:詹姆斯·阿格巴拉·布莱森(2月14日). 点击这里查看 满满的时间表 黑人历史月节目

因装修而暂时关闭, 旧法院 是美国最重要的历史遗迹之一吗. It is where the notable Dred 和 Harriet Scott case was heard in 1847 when they were sued for their freedom. 圣路易斯市最后一次奴隶买卖. 路易 also took place on the steps of the courthouse in 1861 as a part of a property settlement. 旧法院内部, 你可以参观一个名为, 《德雷德·斯科特:勇气的遗产.”

由大河绿道主办 智慧母亲虚拟图书讨论 is features the author reading a short excerpt 和 then be joined by her sister Gwen Moore, 密苏里历史学会馆长, 接着是参与者Q&由记者杰德·哈勒尔主持. 在米尔克里克山谷社区长大. Horne’s book is “a moving tribute to a devoted mother whose determination, dedication 和 strong character allowed her family to breach barriers of race, 阶级和经济都想取得可衡量的成功.——格温·摩尔

格里奥博物馆 is the first black history wax museum in the Midwest 和 features more than 5,一千年的文化和历史. 你可以参观真人大小的蜡像, 其他艺术, 工件, 和 memorabilia to interpret the stories of notable African Americans with a regional connection that has contributed to the development of our country.

十大彩票网赌平台这个伟大的城市有如此丰富的历史. 这个月花点时间来探索这些景点吧, 拥抱城市的文化, 并向十大最大的网络彩票平台斯最著名的非裔美国人. 在你离开之前, be sure to check the websites of all attractions to ensure availability 和 safety protocols due to COVID-19.