Bartending Siblings Fern and Oliver Tizpantizi-Serrano pose behind the bar at Westport Social.

Bartending Siblings Fern and Oliver Tizpantizi-Serrano Bring a Fresh Vibe to Westport Social



如果你没去过西港社会,想象一下 成人娱乐室 装满了地滚球, 飞镖, 桌上足球, 乒乓球, 沙狐球和洗衣机, with private karaoke rooms and live music performances to boot.

You can drink whiskey neat – there are more than 35 from the U.S., 苏格兰, Ireland and Japan on the menu – but bartending siblings Fern and Oliver Tizpantizi-Serrano would rather make you one of their specialty cocktails.

Fern began working at Westport Social in 2019, and Oliver joined her after the COVID-19 pandemic. “作为西港社交酒吧的酒保, I get to interact with people from all over the country,弗恩说。. “I love talking to them, listening to their stories and learning what they bring to St. 路易.”

“我不像弗恩那么善于交际, but bartending forces me out of my comfort zone and helps me practice my social skills,奥利弗解释道. “I also enjoy seeing guests’ reactions when they take the first sip of a drink that I made especially for them.”

Westport Social allows for creativity behind the bar, and both Fern and Oliver rely on their Mexican culture for inspiration.

最近, Fern concocted a spicy chocolate Old Fashioned influenced by mole, 墨西哥菜中使用的一种传统酱料. 这种鸡尾酒混合了天使嫉妒波旁威士忌, piloncillo, 巧克力的苦味剂, 安祖辣椒智利, 肉桂和八角茴香.

“I played around with the recipe at home,” she says, “and my kitchen smelled so good. The aroma of the cocktail reminded me of a winter wonderland. 十大彩票网赌平台的经理乐于接受新想法, and they encourage us to use work hours to test out new recipes, 也.”

That’s exactly what Oliver did when he created a spicy pineapple-blackberry Margarita. 在工作的间歇时间, 他迅速地把它搅拌起来, and the drink – which expertly balanced sweet and spicy flavors – made quite a splash.

“Westport Social是一个大熔炉. 十大彩票网赌平台为从未喝过酒的人提供服务, but they’re excited to enter the world of spirits, 也 as people who have drank around the world, 但他们仍然对十大彩票网赌平台的鸡尾酒感到惊讶.”

——Oliver Tizpantizi-Serrano

鸡尾酒不需要很复杂. Fern and Oliver love tequila and gin respectively because they shine in simple creations. Add citrus here and cucumber there, and you have delicious drinks that hit every time.

“When we were growing up, our mom cooked for us all the time,” Oliver says. “She taught us how to add the right amount of flavor to a dish – or a drink – without overdoing it. She’s my biggest inspiration now that I’m the one serving people.”

Plenty of thought goes into the bar program at Westport Social, 但弗恩和奥利弗让调酒看起来很容易. “我喜欢调酒学,”弗恩说. “I love figuring out how to balance something sweet with something sour for the perfect flavor profile. Experimenting with all the ingredients and techniques in our arsenal is one of the best parts of my job.”

The duo is happy to design a drink for your palate, 但如果你在看当前菜单, 他们推荐Bloodhound, 这款酒的特色是子弹波旁威士忌, 甜苦艾酒, 血橙甜酒, 柠檬姜汁啤酒.

“As long as you can handle carbonation, you’ll like Bloodhound,” Fern enthuses. “I’m not the biggest bourbon lover, but I like it.”

A cocktail sits on a table at Westport Social in St. 路易.
Mark Hermes摄影

Savoring stiff drinks and friendly competition, you’ll likely work up an appetite. 分享 the burnt end nachos made with wonton chips, 鳄梨克丽玛, 芝士酱, 卡拉马塔橄榄, banana peppers and black bean pico de gallo; then, dig into the hot chicken sliders stacked with Cheddar, 炸青番茄, 泡菜和生菜,淋上热蜂蜜.

“The food at Westport Social is familiar, comforting and easy to eat,弗恩说。. “I think that the cocktails complement the food but elevate the overall experience.”

西港社会欢迎21至101岁的顾客. As long as you’re feeling, well, social, you’ll have a good time.

奥利弗说:“Westport Social是一个大熔炉. “十大彩票网赌平台为从未喝过酒的人提供服务, but they’re excited to enter the world of spirits, 也 as people who have drank around the world, 但他们仍然对十大彩票网赌平台的鸡尾酒感到惊讶.”